I have been sick with a cold for the whole week. I hate feeling so bad without having a fever to justify sniveling… now that I’m alone, I have no one to snivel to except Cody, who doesn’t really care LOL.
Today I asked my sister to drive me around town to get the traditional cold medications, as waiting for the cold to go just wasn’t cutting the mustard after 5 days.
On my to do list in town was…
- to buy a new face shield for my motorcycle helmet (no more cold drafts for me!)
- get the batting for the quilt I had wanted to make and finish when I was fifty (yikes! I only have a few months to do it if I want to get it done before I’m fifty-one!)
- buy some round roast to make jerky for me and Cody.
I have 4 1/2 trays of jerky in my Excalibur dehydrator as I type this post…. I also made 3 single portion packages of seasoned “minute” steak out of the heal of the roast I sliced. Doing something like this has made me feel better, just thinking that I’ve accomplished something! Ok, that and the drugs are starting to work LOL.